As a student in one of our pre-professional programs, 您将与教师和顾问进行一对一的工作,根据您的兴趣和愿望开发课程. You will benefit from individual attention in your classes, 实践经验和教师谁是有成就的教育工作者和尊敬的专业人士在各自的领域. 我们将指导您完成识别和申请研究生院的过程, 和 set you on the right path to reach your career goals.


从事法律职业的机会是无穷无尽的,你可以找到一条跨越各种学科的道路. 你将有机会规划一门学术课程,将法律研究与你最感兴趣的领域和科目结合起来.

我们将与法律预科教师顾问联系,他们将根据您的职业抱负帮助您规划学习课程. 你将学习介绍法律概念的课程,我们将帮助你为研究生学习做准备. 你将带着坚实的文科基础离开亚什兰, 具有批判性思维和解决问题的能力,对任何法律专业人士的成功至关重要.

The Pre-Law Society

The Ashl和 University Pre-Law Society is a fully chartered, 学生组织,专为有志于从事法律职业的学生而设. 会员通过我们的法律系列讲座与当地律师建立联系, attend trials 和 visit local law schools. 你还将准备参加法学院入学考试(LSAT), including free practice LSAT exams. In addition, 商业和经济学院的执业律师将帮助你准备法学院的申请材料.

Throughout their undergraduate experience, 会员可从文理学院和工商经济学院的法律专家那里获得课程建议, 特别注重逻辑和解决问题的技巧,这是法学院的首选.

Founders Hall

For more information, please contact:

Pre-Health Sciences

As a pre-professional health sciences student, we'll take you out of the classroom 和 into the field. 我们会让你成为我们90%的学生中的一员,他们在毕业后被专业健康项目录取. 我们还会为你介绍那些不仅教授科学,而且亲身体验科学的优秀教师!

你将有机会与其他学生建立联系, faculty, alumni 和 professionals in your chosen field. You’ll also have invaluable h和s-on experiences. 你会被教授和导师围绕,他们对你的未来充满期待, 谁会帮助你为更高的学位和令人兴奋的职业生涯做准备.

Programs include:

  • Pre-Dentistry
  • Pre-Medical Laboratory Science
  • Pre-Medicine
  • Pre-Optometry
  • Pre-Pharmacy
  • Pre-Physical Therapy
  • Pre-Physician Assistant
  • Pre-Veterinary Medicine

健康科学预科学生推荐的专业包括 biology, biochemistry, chemistrytoxicology. 这些专业将给你申请专业课程的灵活性, 研究生课程或毕业后立即找到工作.


College of Nursing & Health Sciences building in Mansfield

For more information, please contact:


Pre-Seminary Students

As a Pre-Seminary student at Ashl和 University, you will benefit from the close relationship between the Religion Department, Office of Christian MinistryAshl和 Theological Seminary.

你将攻读宗教专业的文学学士学位. As a religion major, 你将成为一个学术团体的积极成员,融入生活, service, worship 和 your studies. Your classes will take you deeper into biblical study, Christian history 和 theology, ministry practice 和 interreligious study 和 dialogue. 本课程将为你继续在神学院学习和为教会服务的一生做好准备. 宗教教授将作为一个学术顾问,帮助你调整你的学习,以最大限度地利用你的学位课程. This may include ministry internships for course credit.

有机会参与服务,立即通过 Office of Christian Ministry 和 student groups like The Well, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Coalition for Christian Outreach 和 the Catholic Campus Ministry.

Pre-Seminary Fellowship

您将被邀请加入神学院预备团契,该团契对所有考虑研究生神学学习和未来事工的学生开放. 这些活动将包括与阿什兰神学院教授的聚会, 在你探索你的呼召和通往神学院及其他地方的旅程时,鼓励你的学生和校友.

Pre-Seminary Acceleration

在你大三的时候,你可以利用双方的合作关系 Religion DepartmentAshl和 Theological Seminary (ATS) by applying for Pre-Seminary acceleration. 这样你就可以开始上神学院的课程,这些课程可以同时计入你的B.A. 一般选修课和各种非咨询硕士学位. (学生经常学习圣经希腊语和/或希伯来语为神学院做准备.

Ashl和 Theological Seminary logo

For more information, please contact:

David Anthony Basham, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of New Testament; Assistant Director, Student 和 Program Development

Pre-Art Therapy

你渴望将你的创作激情与你对人类思维的好奇心结合起来吗? 葡京平台线上的美术课程奠定了艺术专业知识的基础, 而我们的心理学课程为你提供了一个充实的职业生涯,致力于为他人服务. As a Pre-Art Therapy student, 您将与来自心理学和美术学科的同行合作, fostering a rich interdisciplinary environment.

对艺术前治疗感兴趣的学生应该选择艺术前治疗课程的组合 Department of Art 和 Design 和 the Department of Psychology. 艺术治疗和咨询专业研究生课程的典型要求包括:

  • 18个学时的工作室艺术包括:绘画,绘画,陶瓷,雕塑
  • 12 semester hours in psychology:
    • General Psychology
    • Developmental Psychology
    • Personality
    • Abnormal Psychology
  • Working with people in a human service context (e.g., through an internship) is also recommended.

这些要求可以通过获得美术和心理学的文学学士学位来完成. 在典型的4年框架内完成这两个学位是可能的.

Students working on pottery wheels

For more information, please contact:

Christopher Chartier, Ph.D.
Chair, Criminal Justice 和 Sociology Department
Chair, Psychology Department
Chair, Social Work 和 Family Studies Department
Associate Professor of Psychology
Director, International Collaboration Research Center
Founder/Director, Psychological Science Accelerator
241 Dwight Schar College of Education